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How things happened  
Now for the ease of follow up Ven. Soma Thero Sudden death incident is divided  under the headings of:


The Beginning  

The rest of the happenings as they revealed 





Attempts for a Blood Bath 

Questions People ask

Punish those trouble makers !

A grim future ?

Inaction, Vultures waiting  ?


See The Reality 

Buy Soma


And the saga continues..........

All the later additions are now at the bottom of the page on date order


Visitors since  1/07/2003


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Was soma thero's death due to natural causes?

  1. His book "Buddha Stupa", to which he was to receive the so called doctorate, was translated neither to English nor to Russian.
  2. The Rector (Shanti P. Jayasekara) only can understand Sinhalese, But he can't nominate a person for doctorate by himself. It should come from a senate.
  3. Soma Thero had called his brother and Dharmayathanaya. But none knew about the heart ailment until he has passed away.
  4. The doctorate was awarded by affiliated institution, not by a recognized university in Russia.(International University of Fundamental Studies) ( )
  5. The person who has recommended Theros book for the doctorate happened to be a catholic priest. (Shanti P. Jayasekara)
  6. His (Shanti P. Jayasekara) younget brother Sisil Jayasekara says that he doesn't know his brother is a Catholic Priest. And he says he knows only he is a Engineer who works there. He says if he knows this previously he won’t let him to go Russia .
  7. The official web site for International University of Fundamental Studies says that he (Shanti P. Jayasekara)  is a Priest. ( )
  8. Sisil Jayasekara was the former editor of “Aratuwa” paper which is published by Ceyilnco Group.
  9. Thero had got a heart attack in the air craft (say so) and he was taken to st.petersberg city hospital 2, which was 800 km away from Moscow air port.
  10. A report says that his treatment on diabetic has converted into insulin, We have heard so many murder cases by overdosing insulin (In Sri Lanka also) [In down south chatholic father murdered his wife by overdosing insulin]

Source :

Rev. Soma Thero has been suffering from diabetes mellitus type 2 for the last 10 years. When he came here about 2 months ago, before landing in Moscow he felt chest pains. With those pains he managed to fly further to St. Petersburg spending another 3 hours and then only the ambulance was called and he was rushed to the hospital. In the cardiology clinic in St. Petersburg doctors could place a stentor in one of the coronary arteries and to recover blood flow where it was totally absent. Then his diabetic therapy was converted into insulin. Now the glucose levels are fluctuating between 3.9 - 6.0 m.mole/1 litre. After treating him in the hospital, for rehabilitation therapy Thero was sent to a sanatorium where pineso therapy moler observation of a cardiologist and other specialists was done.

  1. Once insulin overdosed it causes instant heart attack. Because it will make blood more thicker.
  2. Family members and close friends denies that he had heart attack.
  3. Thero was intended to return to sri lanka in 10 days, but he had stayed there for more than two months and he had telephoned sri lanka only thrice during that period.
  4. It took 07 days for the Thero's body to be sent to sri lanka .
  5. Ven. Gangodavila soma Thero was the ONLY Buddhist Thero who preached without any fear or hesitation against the orthodox forms of religions criticized the behaviour of politicians. 
  6. Today there will be a preach of Uduwe Dhammaloka Thero at TNL called "DAHAM SUWANDA". He sated that he has something to tell to buddhists about this death. So please watch that before come to a conclution....



Horoscope Predictions1. How things happened    written on 14/12/03 - for the rest of the story check P.S. links below written almost daily basis as things reveled

Horoscope Predictions2. Questions People Ask  A collection of questions and different view points

 Horoscope Predictions3 . Hit List I think the authorities must take this document seriously and investigate it as it first came to light on the inquest of the death of Ven. Soma




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